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Back to Africa!

I landed in Dakar, Senegal late Saturday night and am now finalizing my work for this field season, which will be shorter than the past few years (only 2 months!) because I need to be back at the University of Florida to take classes in January. For those of you who may not know, in addition to my job working with West African manatees, I am also working on my PhD on West African manatees (ecology, behavior and genetics). So I pretty much do nothing but think about manatees at this point! But I love it.

Dakar is very hot and humid right now, close to 90 degrees, which is challenging to acclimate to after spending the last 6 weeks in the wonderful, cool, northeastern USA. The rainy season should be ending soon, which will also hopefully bring a drop in temperature. I hope to do more surveys and a training session for biologists here. I will also be going to Mali in a few weeks to lead a manatee training workshop there with participants from 5 countries.

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    P.O. Box 366
    Chilmark, MA 02535

    BP 80 Joal
    23015, Senegal, West Africa



    United States: +1 508-388-9824