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News for the week of May 23, 2011

A new online article about my manatee work in Senegal was posted yesterday and they used some of my photos… click here to read it!

I arrived back in Libreville, Gabon late last night after a 42 hour journey from Florida. All 190 lbs of my gear made it with me and it’s wonderful to be back in Africa! It’s the height of the dry season here in Gabon which is a new experience for me. I’ll be working in Libreville for the next 2 weeks… I’m applying for the necessary permit applications to do manatee research in Gabon and for the samples I plan to export back to Florida in July, and finalizing logistics for my fieldwork in Congo and southern Gabon. I’m thankful to be able to use the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) office again to work from while I’m here. More news as soon as I get out to the field!

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    23015, Senegal, West Africa



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