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Recent African manatee network activities

In the past few months several network members have been very active with training, educational outreach and data presentation activities. Here are a few brief updates!

Photo courtesy of S. Berthe.In April, Aristide Kamla held his largest training workshop yet in Cameroon. This workshop was specifically for Biology Masters students from the University of Dschang, where Aristide completed his Masters degree several years ago. One young manatee researcher from Nigeria also attended. I was very happy my project could support this workshop, and to hear all the enthusiasm both from the students as well as the university faculty for the training, and for the opportunity to get out into the field. Apparently the university doesn’t offer practical training to graduate students in the field, so this was a rare opportunity for Aristide to show them an active study site and how manatee research is conducted. The photo below shows participants, university staff and several invited speakers.

In early July in Mali, Soumaila Berthe had a manatee educational booth at the World Environment festival in Bamako, which lasted for 2 weeks. He was able to raise awareness and give manatee information to hundreds of people. The project designed and distributed manatee stickers, informational pamphlets, and key rings. This was the first manatee awareness campaign in Bamako.

Photo courtesy of R. Ngafack.

In mid-July this project supported Rodrigue Ngafack’s travel from Cameroon to participate in the African Marine Mammal Colloquium in South Africa. He presented a poster on the results of his Masters research in Lake Ossa, Cameroon. This is the first time an African manatee presentation has been given at this conference, and we hope to increase presentations by other researchers in future years. Rodrigue really enjoyed the opportunity to meet other marine mammal researchers working in other parts of Africa.

Header photo courtesy of A. Kamla.

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